Beautiful Bray Leino

Today I had a very enjoyable Wednesday morning at a meeting in the slightly grey but beautiful Devon countryside with the rather nice creatives at Bray Leino.

I’ve visited several times over the last 20 years or so and I never fail to be impressed by their stunning offices and it’s rural location.


A Few iPhone Snaps

Creative Relationships

This week I got a call from a Creative Director and good friend I have worked closely with on and off for many years.

In the past we have worked together shooting cars,lifestyle images and even a few glamorous ladies for various promotions.

Now with a new company he called to ask about working on a new campaign together and a date was set to shoot this week.

For me this once again reinforces that business is built upon relationships not just that you can create good imagery or have a wonderful style of shooting.

Trust,reliability,passion,and good people skills are all strong points that go into a great working partnership and a no doubt a good sense of humour  goes a long way too !

I’m off to finish packing for our next shoot in Holland on Monday once again for a client we have been fortunate to have worked with before.

Have a great weekend everyone.

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A few iPhone images from the day’s shoot and travels.





“Rubus” King Of The Moor

You might remember Rubus from a previous post I made about the fun shooting him for a campaign last year.

This particular image is an outtake from the same shoot which was not used so I decided to have some fun and place Rubus into a landscape fitting of his stature.

Bellydancer In Blue

I have finally found time since returning from my trip to Turkey to go through some of the images I captured.
This one titled “Bellydancer In Blue” is one of several portraits I managed to shoot during my trip and was a fortunate grab shot on a boat.
I mentioned in my previous post about a Gulet trip myself and a friend took and this chap (yep look closely)  was captured entertaining on board.
More portraits to follow as time’s a very busy month of assignments!


Good King Hal Photo Shoot Teaser

Today we finally managed to complete a shoot of Mike Farley a leading professional Henry VIII lookalike.
The shoot was captured at The National Trusts Barrington Court property in South Somerset has been planned for a while but delayed due to the late spring we have experienced here in the U.K

Here is a teaser video with more to come once all the post production has been completed.

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Revisiting The Gypsy Girl With Guitar


I shoot and create a fair amount of images, when I’m not working on commissioned work I’m creating personal work and on the last count I had close to 250,000 images in my digital archives and that does not include the 12-15 yrs worth of film images sat filed away !
With the above in mind it’s very rare I will go back over old images and re work them as I’m constantly producing new material.The other reason is we are constantly evolving as we progress through life and a photographer’s visual style evolves also. So what appealed a few years ago may not fit with what or how we shoot now.
Occasionally however  I come actross an image I still like and does fit well with my style that I feel would benefit some modern TLC.
Gypsy Girl With Guitar was one such image, it was part of stock photography production I did some 11 years ago together with several models, stylist,makeup artist and art director.
The images where all shot on film with a medium format camera…(old school styley !) on a rural location with some beautiful antique Gypsy Caravans.


Yeovil Town Community Sports Trust Posters

I’ve mentioned before on the blog or twitter or somewhere that as well as Photography being my life long passion so has Football.
These days I don’t play but I’m still involved in the game probably more than ever. As well as being personal chauffeur,boot cleaner and general skivvy to my 9yr old son who attends Yeovil Towns Community Sport Trust Development Centre I also help out the Trust by shooting images for their promotional needs.
As well as providing children with superb football coaching the charity runs many other programmes to help youngsters within the local community.
To promote the trust’s great work I was asked to help them create some eye catching images and an appropriate headline for several posters they where planning on producing.
After several  fairly short discussions we finally came up with the headline “Grass Grows On Our Pitch Children In Our Trust” and sourced several brilliant children from within the development centres to model for the shoot.
I was given fairly free reign to shoot any ideas I had for the images and opted for a rare (for me) studio shoot.
I often find from experience that sometimes the simpler the idea the better and this was definitely the case here and we managed to complete the shoot within half an hour and got some lovely images thanks to some great banter from the boys ! who where all brothers.
A big thanks also goes to Flow Design for their graphic design work which really helped complete and make the whole job a big success.